Daniel Jul is a 28 year old psychiatrist, still living with his mom. He and his friend Ronny have one thing in common, they like searching for metallic objects in the ground. One day they ...
- ஆண்டு: 2000
- வரிக்குறியீடு: 10001483
Daniel Jul is a 28 year old psychiatrist, still living with his mom. He and his friend Ronny have one thing in common, they like searching for metallic objects in the ground. One day they ...
A teenager is left invisible to the living after an attack.
A boy encounters a horse and bonds with him, later training him to race.
In 1935, Indiana Jones arrives in India, still part of the British Empire, and is asked to find a mystical stone. He then stumbles upon a secret cult committing enslavement and human sacrifices in the catacombs of an ancient palace.
An Indian Muslim man with Asperger's syndrome takes a challenge to speak to the President of the United States seriously and embarks on a cross-country journey.
A ghost writer, hired to complete the memoirs of a former British Prime Minister, uncovers secrets that put his own life in jeopardy.
New York City writing professor, Frannie Avery, has an affair with a police detective, who is investigating the murder of a beautiful young woman in her neighborhood.
A family determined to get their young daughter into the finals of a beauty pageant take a cross-country trip in their VW bus.
A recounting of Domino Harvey's life story. The daughter of actor Laurence Harvey turned away from her career as a Ford model to become a bounty hunter.