திரைப்பட நூலகம் மற்றும் கற்கை வள நிலையம்
Green Lantern
- ஆண்டு: 2011
- Edition: First edition
- இயக்குனர்: Martin Campbell
- Actors: Ryan Reynolds,Blake Lively,Peter Sarsgaard,Mark Strong
- Writer: Greg Berlanti (screenplay),Michael Green (screenplay),Marc Guggenheim (screenplay),Michael Goldenberg (screenplay),Greg Berlanti (screen story),Michael Green (screen story),Marc Guggenheim (screen story)
Summary: Reckless test pilot Hal Jordan is granted an alien ring that bestows him with otherworldly powers that inducts him into an intergalactic police force, the Green Lantern Corps.
- Format: DVD
- Languages: ஆங்கிலம்